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Real Estate News

Austin Allison and Pacaso are coming for the masses

Inman Real Estate News - Mon, 07/15/2024 - 04:00
The Pacaso CEO peels back the curtain on his company’s evolution to a new chapter as it buys more houses in more markets at lower prices.
Categories: Real Estate News

An entirely new way to create listings where there are none

Inman Real Estate News - Mon, 07/15/2024 - 03:00
Bernice Ross interviews Realeflow CEO Greg Clement about how real estate agents can tap into the pool of cash buyers and investors to add lead gen leverage and market coverage to their businesses.
Categories: Real Estate News

Lesson Learned: Pay attention to family and friends as well as clients

Inman Real Estate News - Mon, 07/15/2024 - 03:00
As she begins her 47th year in real estate, find out how this former junior high school English teacher creates personal connections and manages a robust professional network.
Categories: Real Estate News

How this agent went from rookie to ringer in just 7 years

Inman Real Estate News - Mon, 07/15/2024 - 03:00
Ready to make a leap into real estate but worried about how to pull off the transition? Learn from Atlanta agent Leah Williamson's trip to top-producer.
Categories: Real Estate News

You can’t ‘fake it ’til you make it’ when it comes to gratitude

Inman Real Estate News - Sat, 07/13/2024 - 03:48
Authenticity and genuine gratitude offer profound benefits for personal and professional relationships and well-being, broker and coach Aaron Hendon writes.
Categories: Real Estate News

Challenges of Finding an Apartment

EZineArticles Real Estate - Sun, 12/26/2021 - 15:11
For everyone, no matter where he/she might be living in, it is a necessity to come back to a place at the end of the day which they can call a 'home'. This is the place which can help one relax after a long day at work or any other stressful environment. However, nowadays finding a home in India is becoming increasingly difficult.
Categories: Real Estate News

Short, Intermediate, And Longer - Term Impacts On Home Sales, When Rates Rise!

EZineArticles Real Estate - Fri, 12/24/2021 - 16:01
For many reasons, some, economic, while others, related to the pandemic - related, so - called, fatigue, etc, home prices, in most areas, have gone up, at, or, near, record amounts! Because of the prolonged period of artificially - created, low - interest rates, mortgage rates, have been at historic lows! Since, for most home buyers, using financing is essential to affording a purchase, when a low rate, causes cheap money, and, thus, the ability to afford more home - for - the - buck, prices usually rise!
Categories: Real Estate News

What Is the Need for Corporate Office Movers?

EZineArticles Real Estate - Mon, 12/13/2021 - 08:40
If you are planning to make a move to transfer your office or even the warehouses, corporate office movers can be the perfect solution for them. Such a professional moving firm can help you meet the requirements of a perfect moving company. Even the thought of moving all the items in the office can be a huge challenge since it requires a good amount of effort and time.
Categories: Real Estate News

New Wells Fargo Investigation Focuses On Bank Defrauding Taxpayers

MLI - Mon, 08/13/2018 - 19:00
A New Wells Fargo Investigation Focuses On The Bank Committing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Fraud
Categories: Real Estate News

JPMorgan Chase Private Banker Busted Selling Client Information

MLI - Sun, 08/12/2018 - 19:00
JPMorgan Chase Private Banker Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Selling Customer Account Information
Categories: Real Estate News

Losing Faith Fast, Istanbul Merchants Throw in Towel on the Lira

MLI - Sun, 08/12/2018 - 19:00
``For a leader who prides himself on having made Turks more prosperous during his 15 years in power, the failure to back his lira demands with any policy action comes as a surprise, and a betrayal. Since Erdogan first began making the call in mid-December of 2016, the lira has been the world's worst currency, losing about half its value against the dollar and euro. On Friday alone, the currency depreciated by 14 percent.''
Categories: Real Estate News

Fannie Mae CEO Is Busted Again For Not Keeping His Pants Zipped!

MLI - Sat, 08/11/2018 - 19:00
Fannie Mae CEO Timothy Mayopoulos Busted Having Tawdry Affair With TransUnion Chief Legal Officer Heather Russell
Categories: Real Estate News

America, 10 Years After the Financial Crisis

MLI - Fri, 08/10/2018 - 19:00
It's not hard to pinpoint the dawn of this deep gloom: It arrived in September 2008, when the collapse of Lehman Brothers kicked off the Great Recession that proved to be a more lasting existential threat to America than the terrorist attack of seven Septembers earlier. The shadow it would cast is so dark that a decade later, even our current run of ostensible prosperity and peace does not mitigate the one conviction that still unites all Americans: Everything in the country is broken. Not just Washington, which failed to prevent the financial catastrophe and has done little to protect us from the next, but also race relations, health care, education, institutional religion, law enforcement, the physical infrastructure, the news media, the bedrock virtues of civility and community. Nearly everything has turned to crap, it seems, except Peak TV (for those who can afford it). That loose civic concept known as the American Dream -- initially popularized during the Great Depression by the historian James Truslow Adams in his Epic of America -- has been shattered. No longer is lip service paid to the credo, however sentimental, that a vast country, for all its racial and sectarian divides, might somewhere in its DNA have a shared core of values that could pull it out of any mess. Dead and buried as well is the companion assumption that over the long term a rising economic tide would lift all Americans in equal measure. When that tide pulled back in 2008 to reveal the ruins underneath, the country got an indelible picture of just how much inequality had been banked by the top one percent over decades, how many false promises to the other 99 percent had been broken, and how many central American institutions, whether governmental, financial, or corporate, had betrayed the trust the public had placed in them. And when we went down, we took much of the West with us. The American Kool-Aid we'd exported since the Marshall Plan, that limitless faith in progress and profits, had been exposed as a cruel illusion.
Categories: Real Estate News

Citigroup Slapped with $8.6 Million Fine From Federal Reserve

MLI - Fri, 08/10/2018 - 19:00
Citigroup Fined $8.6 Million By Federal Reserve For Robo-Signing Related Issues
Categories: Real Estate News

Turkish crisis littered with lessons for Trump, US economy

MLI - Thu, 08/09/2018 - 19:00
Had global liquidity conditions not been as ample as they had been over the past several years, Turkey would not have been able to run the outsized external imbalances that it has managed to run, nor would its corporate sector have been able to incur as large a U.S. dollar denominated debt as its corporate sector has built up....Closer to home, Turkey's present economic debacle might remind us that there comes a day of reckoning for reckless macroeconomic policies. This would seem particularly pertinent in the current U.S. context where a massive unfunded tax cut together with public spending increases are expected to give rise to budget deficits in excess of 5 percent of GDP for as far as the eye can see. It would be fanciful to think, as the Trump administration seems to do, that these budget deficits will not lead to a widening in the U.S. external current account deficit or that these deficits can be financed indefinitely without a dollar crisis at some point.''
Categories: Real Estate News

Wilbur Ross Accused Of Pilfering Packets Of Sweet 'N Low From Restaurants

MLI - Thu, 08/09/2018 - 19:00
Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Accused Of Siphoning $120 Million From His Partners And Stealing Packets Of Sweet 'N Low
Categories: Real Estate News

Investors really aren't buying Musk's "plan" for Tesla

MLI - Thu, 08/09/2018 - 19:00
In two days, the stock has erased the 8.6% gain that followed Musk's surprise announcement on Twitter that he had secured funding to take the electric car maker off the public market. That includes a 4.8% drop on Thursday. "The number one issue is simply that the investment community is uncertain about where this funding" is coming from, said Rebecca Lindland, an industry analyst with Kelley Blue Book....Investors also may have been spooked by reports that the SEC is looking into Tesla.
Categories: Real Estate News

Homeowners With Wells Fargo Mortgages Can Sue Wells Fargo

MLI - Thu, 08/09/2018 - 19:00
Homeowners With Wells Fargo Mortgages Can Sue Wells Fargo If They Were Denied Permanent Loan Modifications
Categories: Real Estate News

Trump's In-Laws Get "Chain Migration" Citizenship

MLI - Wed, 08/08/2018 - 19:00
``President Donald Trump's in-laws are officially United States citizens, obtaining their citizenship through the sponsorship of their adult daughter, one of the very categories of family visas that the administration has sought to end... Pressed on the fact that the President has harshly criticized family-based migration and regularly refers to it as "chain migration," Wildes responded: "I can't comment on the President's politics when it comes to my clients but I have stood up against the President's immigration policies personally."''
Categories: Real Estate News

TV maker laying off most workers, blaming Trump tariffs

MLI - Tue, 08/07/2018 - 19:00
President Donald Trump's tariffs against China are causing a South Carolina television maker to lay off nearly all of its employees because of the sudden increase in the price of components for its products. Element TV Company will let 126 workers go, most of them on Oct. 5, leaving behind a skeleton crew of eight employees to watch the Fairfield County plant in hopes it can reopen in three to six months, the company said in a letter to state employment officials Monday.... The Element plant opened to huge fanfare about five years ago. Trump's current U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, was South Carolina governor at the time. In August 2014, she did a live video feed from the plant beamed to a Walmart manufacturing summit, where she spoke about how to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. by selling her state....Tariffs could lead to more job losses in the state, especially in the auto industry. Swedish carmaker Volvo has said tariffs could prevent it from reaching its goal of 4,000 workers by 2021 at its just opened plant near Charleston. BMW has warned Trump administration officials that some if not many of its 10,000 workers at its plant near Spartanburg could have their jobs at risk if tariffs continue.
Categories: Real Estate News