We are full time landlords, this is a for profit business and we consider ourselves to be providing above average (on a continuous journey towards excellence) service to our customers.
We try to keep our properties in excellent condition (as we would if our own family lived in them) and we expect them to be kept as such during one's tenancy. We are not trying to be the lowest price per square foot per month lessor in the neighborhood. If that’s the only thing you are looking for, we do not have the right property for you.
Our security deposits (as you may have noticed) are higher than most [other] landlords “out there”. Their amounts reflect the business risk we are willing to take by approving your application. We would imagine that you would agree with the fact that different financial profiles should have different risk management treatments. We are not averse to riskier financial profiles, but our security deposits will reflect that risk. A security deposit is yours to have refunded back to you at the end of your tenancy, provided you have fulfilled your contractual obligations and you are in good standing. If this is something you are opposed to, again, our properties may not be the right fit for you.
In this day and age, with hundreds (if not thousands) of foreclosure filings every month, it is not uncommon for good timely paying tenants to get evicted because their landlord did not pay his mortgage. It is an unfortunate situation that we hear more and more about lately from prospective tenants, as well as have witnessed ourselves during our presence in courtroom hearings. It is also a situation that our tenants will never have to worry about. You need to be aware of this in your evaluation of prospective landlords.
- Our rental agreement requires a high level of tenant responsibility and self support.
- Renting a single family property in itself requires a significant investment of time on maintenance, especially with regards to the exterior (yard, pest control), as well as a very significant (in our mind) financial expense for said maintenance. Maintenance free living comes with many apartment communities and we are sure there are plenty in the vicinity of our property.
- During your tenancy you will be expected to perform the duties of a homeowner yourself. Before you sign a binding contract, think carefully whether you have the time, willingness and financial resources to handle this responsibility.
Please read our Tenant F.A.Q. page for answers to the most frequently asked questions we get.